TheBBPS found this 8-bit chalk mural dedicated to the Final Fantasy RPG series and its creator Hironobu Sakaguchi. It took them two hours to finish, but this video speeds it up into just six minutes. It's somewhat boring until the end since all the geeks are in front of the camera and blocking your view of the wall, sort of like spotting a hot chick from a distance and being too afraid to call her hot until you know it's actually girl for sure. Jump ahead to the four minute mark though and you'll get the 8-bit breasts you desire. From left to right, the featured characters are: Red Mage, Thief, Black Mage, Fighter, Black Belt, White Mage, and Sarda. If you're motivated enough to recreated this retro scene, stick around until the end and you'll also see the color grids they used.
Black Mage is a homicidal maniac who is always trying to get into White Mage's pants (or robes, as it were), Fighter is an idiot, Thief is an elf who is always using contracts to his advantage, and Red Mage is a twink. No, not that kind of twink. He's like a D&D player who is always adjusting their stats to gain an advantage (and he truly believes that if he changes his stats on the sheet, that changes them in real life). The comic is hilarious, and if anyone is reading this, I suggest you check it out. They've leveled up, so they don't look like this anymore.