See that sexy 007 symbol in the upper right corner of the screen under Popular Stories? I've been following the GoldenEye: Source PC remake of the Nintendo 64 classic for a while now. Using Valve's source code, the makers of the mod promised us it would be playable by Christmas, but after a few days of delay, it's finally up for download. Normally I don't play this game until boring summer days come up, but I think for this winter I can make an exception. Having more than 3 opponents at a time is an experience I can't wait to try.

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I think I spent more time over all my past summers playing Goldeneye 64 in my friends' basement than I ever spent watching babes on the beach. Using Valve's source code, this mod team set out to completely revamp the Goldeneye game, and they plan on letting us play it on Christmas. Suddenly all the Xmas gifts I was hoping for don't seem as desirable as before. You can see more pictures and info here on their site. I can't wait to finally have a reason to yell "I'm invincible!" again as my DK mode Russian goes on a slapping spree for old time's sake.

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10.04.2006 Goldeneye Source Beta

Goldeneye 64 truly made boring summer days golden for me, and it's all about to return. The latest Goldeneye Source trailer above shows various maps in the modification of the Half Life 2 mod based on the N64 classic. The upcoming beta is on its way and I see no reason not to be completely ecstatic. I call Ourumov, who are you gonna play as? You turn on DK mode and paintballs and I'll call for the pizzas.

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Elsewhere on the Network:

10.03.2006 Should Libraries Allow Gaming?

Library group goers (you know, quilt makers anonymous and Qtip arts and crafts kind of stuff) have been asking for gaming groups recently, and many libraries are hesitant to allow the digital community into its quiet, dusty doors. Aside from the health perks of DDR, and the educational influences of kids games, many libraries are clearly forgetting about one thing: fucking Goldeneye 64. One of the best games of our childhood dedicated an entire level to a library and you can't return the favor to our children by kicking out the Eragon fan club early on Wednesdays?

Books have never been so blasphemous, games may or may not be responsible for a few deaths each year, but game manuals kill no where near the number of trees your association is responsible for. I wonder if libraries have any Arson For Dummies books...

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