Hooray for manboobs, the gallery below isn't a porno, it's the first PS3/360 screenshots of gameplay in THQ's WWE Smackdown Vs. Raw 2008. The release date is to be announced and it's already looking good. The graphics anyways, the animation is what will make or break a wrestling game, and it's hard to tell how impressive it will turn out since half the screenshots below are goofy looking facial expressions and movement positions. This one is my favorite screenshot by far, I can't believe the Undertaker isn't inside his own urn yet.
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Does this mean we're not gamers? I have a hard time even trusting this list as true, but according to CVG these were the best selling games of last year. How many of the ten have you actually played? I've only played a pathetic three of the total ten:

  • 1. FIFA 07
  • 2. Pro Evolution Soccer 6
  • 3. Need For Speed: Carbon
  • 4. Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories
  • 5. LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy
  • 6. The Sims 2 Pets
  • 7. Cars
  • 8. Tomb Raider: Legend
  • 9. The Sims 2
  • 10. WWE Smackdown! Vs Raw 2007

Some of it makes sense - soccer, err, 'football' is the world's most popular sport, so that's not too surprising seeing it at the top. And sure, I guess a lot of moms are going to buy Cars for their kids, but WWE fans really pull in that many sales? How can you watch that crap now that Stone Cold turned wife abusive and the Vince McMahon plot crumbled along with Mankind's back bones? The day The Rock went corporate was the day it all went downhill. The Sims must be pulling a heft furry fetish following, and maybe Star Wars fans are even more powerful than Nintendo fanboys in the gaming world. Tomb Raider: Legend, Lego Star Wars and Liberty Stories are the only three I've played.

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It doesn't get much more manly than Hulk Hogan and Macho Man swing dance competitions, Vince McMahon is really missing out. Watch as Hogan painfully swings his way in and out of the ring with his completely heterosexual partner Randy Savage. I don't agree with the winner though, I think equal amounts of WTF were had from both sides.
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