Supposedly Infinity Ward, the makers of the first and second Call of Duty games, will be returning to make the 4th installment in the series. One of the awesome details mentioned was that while most shooting games has players and enemies heads with two or three critical points on the head, Call of Duty 4 has 16, which will let gamers be able to blow off pieces of the enemy's face one at a time. But it won't be Nazi ears you'll be aiming at, Call of Duty 4 will most likely skip World War II and instead focus on present day battlefields. No word yet on when we can expect the game,but it should be available for PC as well as various next generation consoles.

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There are 2 comments about this post:

11/13/2006 13:08
Bomber says
so are we going to get a vietnam based game? and what happened...did they concede that call of duty 3 was a mistake? or did infinity ward pass on 3 to work on 4? so many questions, so little answers
11/13/2006 16:17
Bomber says
ah well, a veitnam game would be nice though....maybe they can add the french to this one too.....have them running away in the back ground and i dunno...just running away....anyhow, I would love to play a war game based in a jungle with these next gen graphics, especially how life like they make trees and grass look now, and mist effects...some serious creepiness there, add that crazy Vietnamese language and the whistles....crazy shit i tell ya...

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