Another rumor tumor has spread across the net, and boy has it stirred up some heated fanboyism. NOOOZ is reporting that Konami is afraid that there won't be enough PS3s out by the time there game releases because of "the blu ray diode failure issues." NOOOZ is saying that it will get official confirmation in the next week from Konami. Supposedly this is the site that first reported that Assassin's Creed would lose its PS3 exclusivity, but this still looks like a big fat lie. If it's true though, it might be the biggest bitch fest the Internet has ever seen from fanboys. Time to find out who makes Prozac and how much their stock shares cost.

Update: Konami has made an announcement and killed 360 owners' dreams. Kutaragi can take the oxygen mask off now:

"Konami has no plans to bring Metal Gear Solid 4 to the Xbox 360 at this time," a Konami representative told CVG, reiterating that the Hideo Kojima stealth-em-up was still "exclusive to PlayStation 3."

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There are 5 comments about this post:

12/18/2006 13:44
james says
I was thinking about getting a 360 later this year since GTA will be on it and the only thing that was making me think about a PS3 was Metal Gear. So if this is true it would be great news sinec I'm thinking Halo 3 and the rest of the Gears of War games would be nice to have as well.
12/18/2006 14:22
Michael says
No chance on the MGS4 to 360. If it happens Sony will implode. Oh and Tom you left Lair and Ninja Gaiden Sigma off of that list.
12/18/2006 15:08
james says
Never say never.
12/18/2006 18:05
james says
Ok, say never.
12/18/2006 20:24
Nikko says
this is such bullshit.

give it 2 years and ps3 will regain its title over the gaming industry. The only handicap ps3 has is price and availability. Given time, both these will level.

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