Last night was Ubisoft's Ubidays event, and more videos are starting to show up online. It won't be as dominating as Sony's Gamers Day event, but expect a few more videos. The trailer for Free Radical's Haze starts off with an emotional night scene, although this should go down as one of the cheapest plots of all time. You're in the future, your mom dies in a mysterious event, leaving your futuristic history a mystery, and then further in the future you join a mysterious fighting force, until you suddenly realize there's a lot of fucking mysteries in your life. That's pretty much what you'll read on the back of Haze's cover when it comes out this September for PS3, Xbox 360, and PC. I'm always up for an excuse to use futuristic vehicles, weapons, and suits though, all I need is a decent gameplay video and count me in. Here's six brand new pictures to inspect.

Update: Ubisoft is reluctant to give away precise information, but Haze will either release for the PlayStation 3 this Fall before the Xbox 360 and PC releases in late 2007 or early 2008, or Haze may now be a PS3 exclusive.

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There are 2 comments about this post:

05/23/2007 16:01
Michael says
Oh awesome, another FPS.
05/23/2007 16:21
junk2006 says
I hate it when days happen.

You think someone would be extremeley upset when there mom days or is it just no big deal.

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