Two weeks ago, the Square Enix Party event brought news that the Wii's Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Crystal Bearers would be more adventurous, with a Skies of Arcadia feel to it. The video they saw over in Japan is finally uploaded on the net for our pleasure, and the setting definitely has much more altitude to it. The trailer opens with music that reminds me of Titanic, and we're shown a large jewel and many ships, followed by someone falling off one of them, so I'm hoping for a much more hilarious Titanic ending, where we actually get to see the Leonardo DiCaprio hero fall off and go kersplat down below.
The video shows us many sky high brief battle scenes, including the use of the magic system, and even a few indoor cities. The graphics look just as good as the GameCube's Crystal Chronicles game, but not any noticeably better. It would be cool if the reason for flying is to avoid the miasma stream that drifts at lower altitudes, instead of constantly warding off the impending doom. Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Crystal Bearers comes out this Winter in Japan, so we might not get it here in America until next Summer or even late 2008.