Siliconera noticed that Square Enix updated their site with another video they showed exclusively at their recent Square Enix Party, letting us finally see it for the first time. Of all the Nintendo DS games I've ever played, this trailer for Final Fantasy IV contains some of the best handheld graphics I've ever seen. At the very end of the trailer it announces the Final Fantasy IV remake as coming out in 2007 in Japan, so hopefully we'll get this game by early 2008 at the latest.

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There are 2 comments about this post:

05/30/2007 15:16
D14BLO says
test bold italic underline
05/31/2007 02:21
Trisix says
I was just getting the urge to play this today. I'm always weary of playing it on the SNES though, I don't trust that my save files won't randomly disappear. 

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