Nintendo gave us a Wii game release date list and a DS game release date list not too long ago, and as the temperature rises outdoors they can sense our indoor worries of a Nintendo drought approaching. Here's the reassuring updates, the first two games on the Wii list are the big ones worth remembering:
July 30 Mario Strikers Charged Nintendo
Aug. 20 Metroid Prime 3 Corruption Nintendo
September Battalion Wars 2 Nintendo
Aug. 14 High School Musical: Sing It! Disney Interactive Studios
Aug. 14 Madden NFL '08 EA
August Tiger Woods PGA Tour '08 EA
August Space Station Tycoon Namco Bandai
August Brunswick Pro Bowling Crave
August Dave Mirra BMX Challenge Crave
August Pinball Hall of Fame: The Williams Collection Crave
September Brothers in Arms Ubisoft
September Looney Tunes: Acme Arsenal Warner Bros.
September George of the Jungle Crave
Fall Boogie EA
In other words, we get Mario Strikers Charged, and then we're on our own all Summer. Then we get Metroid Prime 3: Corruption and are forced to ration wisely until Winter, which better be when Super Mario Galaxy is finally released. This plan should work well though, it will give Nintendo games each month to feel proud about, and then when we inevitably get bored this Summer, PlayStation 3 should finally have some great games for us to try. For the shit ton of upcoming Nintendo DS games on the way, go here and scroll all the way down. The one most of you are probably looking forward to is Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trials and Tribulations, which Capcom has moved up to an August release.