So you want to find the best store around you to pick up a Nintendo Wii this weekend? Well with this website you don't need to go from Wal-mart to Target to Best Buy to others stores frantically in search of the smallest lines - all you need to do is type in your zip code, and it pulls up all the stores in your area, and the exact number of Wiis they have in inventory. I've already mapped out my Saturday night, Sunday morning of line waiting for Wii, hurry up and make your plans.
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There are 2 comments about this post:

11/14/2006 22:26
Michael says
You can get the same info for ps3s on that site. http://ps3seeker.com/ I still haven't decided if I'm going to fight all those crazy monkeys and get a wii and ps3 on launch day or wait for Q1 07. Since I don't want to play Zelda on a wiimote that leaves 0 launch titles on both systems I MUST have. Stupid game companies. Put some real launch titles out and maybe I'll give you my 600 and 250.
11/14/2006 22:41
Beava107 says
Dunno about this website. It's not too accuracte, I work at an EB Games and I checked it out on the website and my store doesn't even have our Wii's yet but it says we have 24, when were getting no more than 15 Wii's in the store.

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