Last year the virtual population of Second Life soared from 100,000 online players to well over 2 million. As a community grows that large it's normal for the original players to become defensive as the newcomers start changing the way things are run, but in an online world where anything is possible (online embassies, terrorism, borderline genocide, and the infamous dildo storms) the worried veterans have resorted to drastic actions that I didn't even know were possible within the game.

Marshal Cahill started playing Second Life before the boom came, and has since witnessed arrogant gamers grow rampant. Players hog real estate, step on each others' free speech, and run online mafias that harass the entire community. So how does he plan to solve this problem? Nukes of course. Even online humans are predictable. But instead of plastering people in main towns he chose to set us up the bombs near in-world corporations that would draw real world attention. The first nuke was detonated outside an American Apparel store, with an encore explosion occurring outside a Reebok store. 2-22-07. Never Forget... To Never Play.

Declaring himself as a political officer for the Second Life Liberation Army, Cahill is fighting in hopes that the game's Linden Lab creators will give his army more influence in the future of the game through voting: "The population of the world should have a say in the running of the world." He goes on to compare himself to John Adams proving he's just as arrogant as his enemies, but this will still gain his army the attention they long for. Fool Linden Labs once, shame on . . . shame on you. Fool Linden Labs . . . you, you can't get fooled again. That's their stance and they're sticking to it.

If they actually allowed an entire Second Life World War to break out, I'd join immediately. It would be recorded as one of the lamest online battles of all time and I'd Fraps every second of its furry fighters until dildo rainbows rose above silent battlefields. All that's left to do is alter the video to black and white, splice out a photo of an avatar wearing tattered Reeboks, and submit it as "Migrant MMOer" for my Pulitzer Prize.

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There are 5 comments about this post:

02/23/2007 01:57
DanZuke says
I just have no desire to play this "game"

Unless it turns into some war torn wasteland, like Escape from NY or some such nonsense... That'd be awesome.
02/23/2007 03:47
Samuel says
This all sounds like some strange fantasy. How is any of this even possible? Is it all scripts like that terrorism article?
02/23/2007 10:47
Danny M says
these guys should re-enact the civil war like they did in south park, someone should draw out a chracter similar to general lee and engage in a confederate vs. union second life war. that would be sweet-to bad my PC sux so hard that I can't get second life to run on it!
02/24/2007 13:53
Gwenn says
I'd join this war, too. Fraps are a hell of an idea, we should totally make a documentary: the first Online World War (OWWI).
02/26/2007 23:52
tsantsa says
Actually, though the game sucks (and therefore, more proof that Jesus died in vain) if something like this were to break out, it would be cool. I might join again.

I can imagine 2 main groups: The revolters (who are they again?) and the UN types. Then there would be the fringe-benefit renegade groups. Every time you log on you'd probably get bombarded with enlistment propaganda.

None of it would work unless players were rewarded in some way, other than lining Linden's pockets by 'donating' to the cause.

Of course, since the game already sucks, the war will suck and all of us will be suckers.

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