Every week there's a new Line Rider recording video worth posting, but I've been waiting for a level related to video games to show up. Someone finally semi-recreated the first level of Super Mario Bros. in Line Rider one line at a time, and set the doodle dude off to reach the flag. He needed a few extra hills for jumps, and skipped all the secrets, but he made it there pretty quickly. And if this is your first time seeing a Line Rider level in action and you're disappointed, then check out this huge level that combines Tony Hawk grinding with Katamari Damacy music. You can make and play your own levels here.

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There are 4 comments about this post:

03/21/2007 19:16
Monty says
So whats the point of this Line Rider? He just rides the lines? I'm sorry but I don't get it....
03/21/2007 19:56
Danro says
These damn Gamevideos.com players never work for me. I hit play and nothing happens.

youtube version
03/21/2007 19:56
Danro says
... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rn8ULJGboOE
03/22/2007 20:43
Dexter345 says
Flippin' sweet.

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