GameTrailers has assembled their list of the top ten consoles of all time. It's a little painful to see how some of the order unfolds, but I can't really disagree with their rankings:

  • 10. Dreamcast
  • 9. Atari 2600
  • 8. Game Boy
  • 7. Nintendo 64
  • 6. Sega Genesis
  • 5. Game Boy Advance
  • 4. PlayStation 2
  • 3. Nintendo Entertainment System
  • 2. Super Nintendo
  • 1. PlayStation

You knew Dreamcast was going to come first even though it deserves better, and whether you flip the order of the top two or not, they both are unquestionably consoles of clout. It's cheap to give Game Boy two spots though, I wish they would have been bold enough to limit it to just the original and try to figure out what would then gain the new #10 spot. The only thing I think I'd change would be bumping Nintendo 64 up to #5, simply because the best Genesis games don't even compare to the best N64 games. What about you guys, what would your top ten picks be? Or top five if you're lazy.

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04/20/2007 13:50
Dexter345 says
I would replace the GBA with the DS, and I would put the PS2 up higher. Maybe even replace the PS1 with it. PS1 definitely doesn't deserve top spot. That's either SNES or PS2, I'd say.
04/20/2007 14:30
Mike says
5.playstation 4.N64 3.super nintendo 2.playstation2(although ps2 was a really just a ps1 w/dvd player) 1.NES- its hard to say N64 deserves 4th, what with Kart, Bond, PerfectDark, and Zelda64-but it just didnt have the numbers. as far as best games of all time N64 has the no. 1 position.
04/20/2007 14:35
Samuel says
Playstation 1 was good but I think PS2 was better. And it's definitely cheap that Gameboy got two spots. Gameboy Advance isn't far enough away from original Gameboy, it's just a pumped up Gameboy Color with shoulder buttons.
04/20/2007 14:36
Monty says
I want to see SNES move up.
04/20/2007 14:47
Stoney's 3rd account says
SNES deserves top position.
04/20/2007 15:37
Seven says
Drop GBA, PS1, and NES down. Bump up N64, GB, and PS2.
04/20/2007 16:01
Rudy says
No Saturn?! This list should be ashamed of itself. ASHAMED.
04/20/2007 16:58
TC says
Genesis does what Ninten-don't. Enough said. 1 - PS2 (DVDs, backward capability, ungodly gaming library, etc.), 2 - Genesis (16 bit, tried and failed numerous things to evolve 32x, different control pads, sega cd add on, etc...) 3 - NES (Super Mario, Duck Hunt, and Gyromite - enough said - it had a friggin robot) 4 - Atari 2600 (Combat ?), 5 - probably Super Nintendo (more buttons, good games) After that, its a horse a piece. N64 was good, but not great. Same with the original PS.
04/20/2007 17:00
allen says
Hey! wheres my Turbographix 16 ?!? 2600 should be higher, PS1 is #1 by a mile, nothing else even comes close.
04/20/2007 18:16
D-Chap says
Sega Saturn? This is a list about the BEST consoles. Sega Saturn had a couple gems but the fact that you can't find a single game for it anywhere- while you can still finds tons of NES, SNES, PS1 and N64 games in used games stores say something. And I think N64 should've been a bit higher- analog stick, trigger button, 4 controller ports, mix of excellent single and multiplayer games- Every console since has had some or all of these features.
04/20/2007 19:36
Adam says
Top 5 plus my rational: #5 Xbox-for embracing online play and doing it right. #4 Nintendo 64-for defining the 3D console world and for the analog control. #3 Playstation-for rejuevenating the industry and introducing epic cinematics #2 Playstation 2-for demonstrating the sheer immersive power of video games as a nearly artistic medium. #1 SNES-for raising the bar so high, forcing to developers to stop worrying about how to make a game to amuse children, and to start trying to best themselves in what was becoming a more serious medium.
04/20/2007 19:45
Chris says
allen i dont think many ppl even had a turbographix 16 lol.. and i agree with D-chap about the sega saturn thing.. not really a great console. I pretty much agree with GT's list cept i would move around some stuff (im not old enough to appreaciate old GB?)

so order is:

9.Atari 2600
7.Sega Genesis
1.Super NES (super nes wins cuz it won me over as my first system as a 7-8yr old kid.)
04/21/2007 01:33
Rudy says
D-Chap + Chris - your sarcasm detectors are broken.
04/21/2007 21:43
David says
This top ten really stinks
04/22/2007 16:53
Kuebel33 says
I would have had #1 be the Nes # 2 psx and #3 snes.

I dunno. In my opinion, Nes is def. number 1. Think about it.

The thing has been out since like 1985 and even now in 2007, 22 years later I know a ton of people who still have their nes hooked up and play it regularly. Go to any college campus dorm or college rented house and I promise you, you will see many games of Tecmo Bowl and Baseball Stars.
04/22/2007 23:05
Kermi says
I'd replace the GBA with the DS, simply because the GBA was just an updated Game Boy, wheras the DS allows us to have games like Trauma Center, Phoenix Wright, and Advance Wars: Dual Strike (I know the original Advance Wars was GBA, but you can't even compare them now). I'd also have to move the DS into the #4 slot and let the PS2 fall to number 5.
Everything else can stay where it is, I agree with their reasoning. I'd have liked to see the Dreamcast a little higher, say... above the 2600. Admittedly though, I can't really say why.
04/23/2007 04:46
upandatthem says
i reckon Adam's pretty much got it right
04/23/2007 11:14
Mike, You know JACK about games!

PSXwill always be second best under de SNES... The SNES has a HUGE gamma of games and if you were somekind of an RPG fan, you´d remember that the BEST RPG´s cameout for SNES...

N64 was a kids console, boring, vague and nonetheless a waste of the "64 bit" the console had... pfffff, 64 bit my ass!
04/24/2007 03:57
Deez says
No Mattel Electronic Football? Thats weak. Ling-Ling is upset...
05/15/2007 01:51
Conor says
Combine the gameboys and put the xbox at 10. xbox live did huge things for consoles, as far as getting them online.

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