Remember three days ago when I started a Nintendo countdown of my own? It's with great pleasure I welcome you to a sculpture of Horp, my Hermaphroditic Mii. Don't groan, that just makes it horny. Me and this he-she-mii go way back. In October, on the first day this site went live, a flash based Nintendo Mii maker popped up online. And of course the first thing I tried to do was draw a penis and boobs:
"I figured I'd help everyone understand how it works in the easiest way possible for both male and female readers: make the world's first hermaphrodite Mii avatar. By using freaky nostrils, an odd shaped nose, and the convenient function of sliding facial features down to the body itself, Horp the hermaphrodite was born."
Sadly, when the Wii came out the facial sliding feature had been restricted to only the face, and guaranteed that Horp was truly a one of a kind freak of Nintendo nature. I couldn't let the Mii monstrosity die, so when Paul Pape started making Mii sculptures I joked that I'd have Horp reincarnated in full 3D, and to my surprise he was actually willing to help a Hermii out.
Paul's talents vary from mundane bobble-heads and simple wedding cake sculptures to elaborate action figures, professional board games, mechanical dragon eggs (read about it in the picture below), and even props for famous plays that have been shown around the nation. Paul Pape Designs is pretty much a Jack of all trades business that's willing to meet your craziest crafty requests. His most recent gaming project has been the fake Wii Bday game DVD for a friend's Birthday, but his current goal is to create 100 different Mii sculptures, and so far he's almost half way there. If you're interested in having a Mii of your own made, you can contact him here, although he also enjoys unique challenges, so you should also check out his other sculpture, animation, and graphic design artwork here to get an idea of what else he's capable of.
I mean, if the guy's willing to drill a dick into a Nintendo character, he can pretty much do anything. I highly recommend putting his talents to more use than I have. Here's some pictures of of Horp, I put a beer can next to shim for size reference, and also so you don't question my masculinity. Thanks, Paul!