06.04.2007 GEARS OF WAR ON PS3?

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PlayStation 3 owners have grown immune to outrageous rumors, and now Xbox 360 is getting a taste of its own medicine. Recently a rumor was started that Gears of War was coming to PS3, and Epic Games' Mark Rein didn't hesitate to make a statement:

"This story is complete bull****. I emailed the site and asked them to take it down. We're very happy with our relationship with Microsoft. If it weren't for them Gears wouldn't be the huge hit it has become."

I wonder how well Gears of War would sell on PS3, since most PS3 owners I know swear that the game of the year was shit compared to their beloved Resistance: Fall of Men. Although, it probably won't be much longer until we hear more about Epic Games bringing their game to the PC.

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Last month I found a quote from Mark Rein confirming Epic Games wanted to bring Gears of War to PC, and he's mentioned it again, this time not as just a possibility: "Gears of War will come to the PC platform eventually." The Inquirer isn't too reliable as a source, but it sounds like they've done the paperwork and plan to pursue the PC game now. If you refuse to get a 360 then that's probably because you consider Gears of War its only great game, so you might be enjoying it next year without having to get another console. And if they're going to keep working on the game then there will probably also be more content given out on Xbox Live, more levels would be nice.

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A lot of people won't buy the Xbox 360 because they can play most of its best games on PS3 or PC, but despite constant rumors, Microsoft has always insisted that Gears of War will remain an Xbox 360 exclusive. Mark Rein from Epic games recently told the public that they do want to bring it to the PC though, but won't say when that possibility could come to life:

"I don't think that's any great secret that we would like to do it on PC, but for now it's a 360 game. Eventually we'll get around to a PC version. I just don't know when."

Doesn't sound like it'll happen any time soon, but I'll pass. I used to prefer shooting games on PC, but I've grown used to console controls too much over the years. I'll have to make an exception for Crysis and a few others though.

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