Mario Party games in the past have always brought out the best drunk gamers in us all, but I don't think liquor stores are ready yet for Mario Party 8 on the Nintendo Wii. Look how stupid this mini-game is, I'm guessing you just shake the controller up and down - lame! Now imagine doing that with the wiimote while drunk - brilliant! I'll have to call up my Uncle and let him know that him and his Alcoholics Anonymous buddies everywhere won't be safe from relapse for long. All it takes is one round of Bumper Balls and millions everywhere are back on the road to blackouts. I can't wait to see what kind of mini-games they come up with for the Wiimote - I wonder if it'll get recalled due to an increase in wiimote related injuries after it releases. I'll make sure to start practicing my "Let's get dangerous" anthropomorphic duck voice for when this game finally comes out in America. Oh yah, and Princess Peach totally stole the win from Yoshi in the video, I've had it up to my flagpole with that floozy.

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