Students of the Strange certainly found some strange news, yet another interview with Tetsuya Nomura has revealed even more information about Square Enix's future plans. Nomura has been quite the source of information since he's the lead character designer for Square's games, and in this game's case, lead game director as well. When asked about Kingdom Hearts III and that secret video we saw a few days ago, mainly where the heck Disney was and who were the new people that made Mickey Mouse jealous? Here's what Nomura had to say:

“They are people who have some relation to the new series,” said the producer. “However the next title won’t just be Kingdom Hearts III. If it were III, we wouldn’t call it a new series.”

Will Sora and Riku make an appearance? “I can’t say.” Details on the new title?. “First, it’s not Kingdom Hearts III. Of course, because we’re calling it a ‘new’ series, it won’t be KHIII. Also, it’s a series, so it probably won’t be just one title.” So clearly Kingdom Hearts III will be on every console and handheld in one way or another.

Damnit Square, when your piggy bank has dimes flying out of its utters, it's not a piggy bank, it's your damn cash cow that doesn't need to make ten new games in one year just to milk a profit. Just because you gave away half your money for the new Unreal Engine doesn't mean we want Kingdom Hearts III games that look like Killzone II. This is good news . . . for now. But expect this sales strategy to get really old in three years unless they start making new games and not just sequels that will sell regardless of their quality. I remember when Square did something really cool - they made a Chrono game. And then they made a Kingdom Hearts game. I suggest starting fresh again soon.



Of all the series in the whole game industry, the Final Fantasy games often confuse people the most. I've lost count of how many times I've heard two different people say that Final Fantasy III is their favorite, only to find out they're talking about two entirely different games. Not only does this thirty minute video summarize every Final Fantasy game released so far, it also explains how the Japanese/American release sequences work out chronologically. So if you're the gamer who timidly has to admit they've never played any Final Fantasy games every time a debate breaks out, watch this video and catch up on what you've missed in the last decade.

Those of you who have played the majority of them, which is your favorite? Final Fantasy VII is the one that usually gets the most praise, but almost all of my hardcore FF friends insist that Final Fantasy VI is the best by far. Or are you one of the few that grew obsessed with FFVIII or one of the other less praised titles in the series? Let's get into a fight over something that has nothing to do with next generation topics for a change, which games did you like the most?

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