Crisis diverted! That was a close one! I guess I'm lucky I held onto that PS3 after all - apparently the truth is that they sold 999,999 PS3s before they ran out. They just wanted to take mine, repackage it, and meet their quota. So we made it! Let's celebrate this diverted crisis with the highest quality version I could find of the new Crysis gameplay video. Hopefully the shit I see here is as impressive as this video - I still think the PS3 could have handled it, but it definitely looks like it will stress the best of the best PC's out there.

It's 2 PM over on the east coast, but only 11 AM over here. If you've been following my posts all day, this is the last of the auto-drive TLB action. I SHOULD be in Vegas by now running around grabbing all the free stuff I can find. I'll try to keep the news coming with whatever cool gaming booths I run into. I promise the ride back from Vegas won't be nearly as hectic - it's time for some fun! Hope you enjoyed the ride to get here - at least you didn't have to sit in a plane all day! Vegas Baby! Here we go!

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"The Last Boss" is a blog focused on finding the most entertaining gaming news, gossip, and media on the net.


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