10.20.2006 Halo Movie Cancelled for Now
Due to rising movie costs and concerns over the current director's experience, both Universal and Fox Studios have pulled out of the Halo movie production. Since the budget was supposedly pushing $200 million already, and Microsoft was demanding a great portion of the profits, the studio executives have finally crushed Halo fans' dreams. Peter Jackson was the executive producer, but Neil Blomkamp hasn't even directed a single feature film yet, with only a short film called to brag about, so it's hard to get pissed at Fox and Universal for their decisions.
This doesn't mean that we'll never get a Halo movie, but Microsoft isn't making it easy for fan fulfillment when they are demanding an upfront fee of five million for the rights to the film, and 10% of the total profits. I'm not too worried though, if there's ONE video game based movie that could succeed in story and sales, it's definitely a Halo movie. I have a feeling it might just happen to coincidentally come out in theatres around the same time as the next Microsoft's Xbox console launch.