The original Xbox had many gamers eager to mod it. I've seen more PC-to-Xbox-to-TV chaotic cable arrangements in college dorm rooms then I can remember. If you're one of the people who decided to mod your Xbox 360 as well, then you might be in trouble if you enjoy playing on Xbox Live. After participating in the Halo 3 beta gameplay online, many are reporting that they're seeing the message above, followed by "Status Code: Z: 8015 - 190D" which is George Lucas speak for "your console has been banned from Xbox Live." So be warned, their zero tolerance policy for modded consoles connecting online is more than just scare tactics. I can imagine some gamers are furious, having to wait an extra day to get access to the Halo 3 beta, only to find it was a trap and now they're kicked off for good. Sux 2BU!