Yesterday we saw Colbert manhandle a congress-woman in Wii Sports boxing, and today we step up the ante with the entire opening bowling alley scene of The Big Lebowski recreated in Wii Sports bowling. That's the smallest John Goodman I've ever seen, but so far it's the biggest laugh I've ever gotten out of a mii, except maybe Hitler. It's barely been a week since the Wii launched in America and we already have a few classic mii videos - here's a few more I hope we get to see soon: a Wii Baseball remake of the Sandlot "You play ball like a GIRL!" scene, a Wii Golf montage of John Daly's profanity outbursts, a Wii Tennis remake of a deleted scene from Wimbeldon where Paul Bettany knocks the snaggleteeth out of Kirsten Dunst's mouth on an ace serve, and if possible, Mike Tyson ripping off a Mii ear. If any of you guys find or make any other awesome Mii videos, lemme know.