By now all the Halo fans have surely seen the video documentary on the change that brutes will undergo in Halo 3. But to tide us over until more Halo 3 videos are released from Bungie's tight sphincter of secrecy, Mark and Luke from 1UP have analyzed the entire Halo 3 brute documentary video. It's 26 minutes long, so you might want to save it to watch for later like I did last night, but it's worth listening to. They do some zoom in on interfaces and reveal what they know from Bungie visits about grenades in Halo 3. There's plenty of pausing and fast forwarding while they sum up what's been talked about so far, and they even offer their expertise on guessing what some of the screens in the background of the offices might have on them.

However, they don't bore you with just pixelated blurry map guesses and intro screen assumptions, although there are a few of those geek moments too, but they also have a convincing prediction based on a small clip from the video combined with what Bungie has said. When mentioning that needlers would be more important in Halo 3, their FPS fans laughed - but when you notice a suspicious looking elongated needler rifle, things start to make sense. A needler rifle would definitely be a nice addition to multiplayer matches now that the swords' power will be altered in the third game.

So before any more secrets are revealed, place your predictions now on what you expect is on the way. I've already transcended gameplay strategy and taken duel-wielding to new levels by practicing using one handed Xbox 360 controllers in each hand, and I'm ready for whatever alien mumbo jumbo they throw at me.

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