Wiimote injuries are as infamous as they are numerous, but the wiimote has never been hunted down in the wild and caught on tape before. Much like Toy Story, the wiimotes are harmless at first glance. But at speeds of up to 70 mph, these carnivorous controllers can break a neck just as fast as they can snap a wii-strap. What you're about to witness is a pack of wiimotes surrounding the lady holding the camera. The family holiday scene seems fun - a little too fun. It's hard to tell what set the wiimote off, perhaps someone in the background suggested playing a game of Red Steel, but it defeats the daughter in just one attack. The body was never found. Where's the man in the cardigan sweater when you need him?

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There are 4 comments about this post:

01/03/2007 17:43
Michael says
GD I hate the Wiimote. How does a company create something as perfect as the Wavebird and then turn around and present us with this steaming pile of camel shit? Anything that encourages WHATEVER was going on in that video sucks.
01/03/2007 18:54
johnk says
Best Wii injury video EVAR! .
01/03/2007 21:13
Kyle says
Hey, I'd first like to say that this is my video and I am the one filming.

Second) Thanks for posting this, and enjoying it. It's brought a lot of laughs to our family and friends

Forth) They're playing tennis.

Forth) I'm a guy... lol!
01/03/2007 21:15
Kyle says
Oh, and what caused her to throw it was that she initially hit my uncle's left hand as she swung her arm, and her natural reaction was to let go of the wiimote.

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