No, this news doesn't come from The Onion, but instead the reliable IGN. Thank you to reader Travis who sent in this tip, if only this was a cosplay convention gone awry, it would be the best story I've ever heard.

Two 15 year olds in Germany have been arrested for kidnap and murder, and have publicly used the aliases of 'Sepheroth' and 'Reno' instead of their real names. Once the public figured out that this is straight up Final Fantasy VII devil worshiping, the nation quickly summoned an uproar that not even Gears of War could compete with. Once the media confirmed that the two teenagers actually had Final Fantasy VII installed on their computer, Germany has since began to call the decade old game 'Killerspiele' - which translates to 'killer game' in German. So there you have it Zelda fanboys, not only did Aeris make millions of people weep, but Final Fantasy has even killed people in real life. Final Fantasy > Zelda. Case closed. Forget Bonnie and Clyde, no one fucks with Reno and Sephiroth!

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There are 4 comments about this post:

01/17/2007 14:38
Scott says
there sephiroth is sooo tiny....
01/17/2007 14:47
Kunikos says
i *knew* sephiroth was a chick!
01/17/2007 14:47
Kunikos says
i *knew* sephiroth was a chick!
01/17/2007 15:07
Samuel says
Well there's your problem! "The two teenagers actually had Final Fantasy VII installed on their computer" They went nuts and killed people because they had the inferior shitty version of the game! The midi music alone is enough to make you want to go kill people! And if the kids were that fucked up they would've killed somebody sooner or later, whether they were wearing FF7 costumes or a friggin panda suit!

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