Minesweeper's one of the annoyingly unique games that can be beaten in under a minute, yet most people can't beat at all. I used to know this game's strategy and could beat it almost every time, but then I found Rodent's Revenge and never looked back. Here's Dion Tiu's 38 second world record time for finishing Minesweeper on expert mode. Not quite as ritzy as solving a Rubik's Cube, but still impressive.

I wish Windows Vista brought back all the classic Windows 95 games combined in one action packed adventure. Chased by cats, you'd have to ski down a hill and avoid bombs and mouse traps while playing solitaire on your chest using the wind to stick the cards to your ski suit. If that doesn't deserve its own Olympics game then I don't know what does.


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There are 6 comments about this post:

02/07/2007 19:39
Dexter345 says
That's so sick. My best time on Expert is in the 200s. P.S. I can solve a Rubik's Cube.
02/07/2007 23:14
Puff says
sniff sniff sniff. I smell a cheat... xyzzy SHIFT ENTER ENTER
02/08/2007 10:00
uberbandit says
So, why is it called "clone" minesweper? Hmmmmm... that mouse moves too fast also... this is a cheat!
02/08/2007 10:50
TC says
Its soooo easy on cheat. A little dot tells you where the bombs are.
02/08/2007 16:50
Clint says
After playing for years I eventually got tired of moving my hand around, and clicking (the height of laziness).

So I wrote a program to play minesweeper for me, so I can just watch it.

Check it out:
02/09/2007 02:51
Clint says
I uploaded the file to YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wCGV8jYc3RE for all you .wmv haters. Tom,
This is my first vid. You'll notice the scores windows doesn't pop up at the end of the vid'. My best score is five seconds, but unfortunately I hadn't thought to vid' cap' it then. I do have screenshots, but I'm affraid to post because of Photoshopping accusation. I'll add more to YouTube if I get faster or more complicated situations.

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