It's getting late and you don't want to read, I understand. I'll shut up, just check out the high resolution pictures for yourself - there's plenty of new pictures to make it worth your while. The full one page EGM article is in the gallery below, plus write ups from two other magazines' May issues. Don't expect many FFXIII details though, most of it is just glorifying the console with technical possibilities we're all already aware of, but Shiva sure does make a good spokeswoman for the PlayStation 3.
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There are 2 comments about this post:

04/11/2007 22:39
D-Chap says
Looks mad sweet. Personally though, I can wait since there's plenty of other great games to play and I still don't have a PS3. But I think a year from now, FFXIII is gonna start really coming together and creating much more excitement.
04/12/2007 10:07
markio says
looks really cool but lastboss you should credit the sites finalfantasyversusxiii.net and ffxiii.net because they made those scans and last boss did not!!!

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