No, this isn't part two of the Virginia Tech shootings story, consider it to be more of an intermission from all the Jackass Thompson hate. Instead, we get to celebrate over finally having cold, hard evidence that we won't hear from him as much in the future. He tried to tackle Rockstar's gay-kissing Bully game, then moved his target to Grand Theft Auto IV, and then frantically tried to find people who would still listen to him overseas on his march to prevent Manhunt 2. Luckily, Take Two Interactive filed for the equivalent of a restraining order, and with this settlement, we can finally game in peace for at least a short while. Thompson has agreed that he:

  • will not sue or threaten to sue to block sale or distribution of any game published by Take Two or its subsidiaries (i.e., Rockstar)
  • will not communicate to Take Two or anyone doing business with T2 (like, say Wal-Mart) any accusation that the company committed any wrongdoing by selling its games. Thompson is not restricted from criticizing the content of T2 games, nor is he prevented from acting as counsel in lawsuits brought against Take Two by other parties
  • will make any future contacts with T2 through its attorneys

In return, Take Two dismissed their counterclaim and dropped the contempt of court charge on Jack Thompson. Basically, they put out a raccoon trap, caught the son of a bitch, and are releasing him into the wild, hoping he will never return. It's too bad they don't make bigger mouse traps. He's reached just about every news channel in the past and proven his ignorance almost every time, it shouldn't be long until he's finally blackballed by all media outlets. (Further reading on Jack Thompson this week: Part One and Part Two.)


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There are 6 comments about this post:

04/19/2007 17:47
Michael says
That is pretty harsh but I agree it's too bad they don't make bigger traps. He will simply replace Rockstar/T2 with "the evil gaming company that I can not mention" in all of his interviews. This guy just gets my blood boiling. I'm a strong Republican on almost all issues but this guy and his wacko conservativeness just makes me want to punch his mother in the crotch for bringing such a sick human being to this Earth.
04/19/2007 22:50
Kermi says
Thompson can be as vocal as he wants, he just can't actually do anything - he can't stop games, or delay them. The most effective thing he might accomplish is convincing people not to buy them, if he hadn't already fucked up so badly that no one listens to him anymore. Apart from, apparently, the 'fair and balanced' Fox News.
04/19/2007 22:58
Stormy says
I find that on the video game issue he allies him self more to the left (censorship, political correctness,placing blame etc) then to the right (freedom of speech, anti-politically correct, personal responsibility, etc) I kinda of wish Take Two kept the charges, the trap was way too small for JT... not to mention what he did during/after the VT shooting. :/
04/19/2007 23:02
Kermi says
By withdrawing the charges, they've robbed Thompson of a chance to prove his innocence. That's going to count against him more, assuming he's dumb enough to actually stand against T2 or Rockstar in court in the future (and assuming someone besides Thompson actually takes action against them, since he can't initiate it).
04/19/2007 23:03
D-Chap says
Don't worry about JT too much. I remember Tycho from Penny-Arcade a while back saying we should be glad for JT- glad that he is the main opponent of video games and that he is too innept to actually accomplish anything. Just imagine if someone intelligent was filling his place- then we'd be in trouble...
04/19/2007 23:11
Stormy says
JT did his damage, he has gained the publics' "trust" it is more insulting to loose to some one like JT then to loose to some one who has intelligence, probity the only reason why JT is winning (with few defeats such as this one)is that the media (not just FOX) loves him, just like Paris Hilton, Westboro Church etc, if we [every one or a vast majority] were to ignore the media on issues like these there "powers" may be lost and they would not get much media coverage if any.

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