It's like an I Love Lucy episode, there's no good news without bad news. Ricky Ricardo gets a job promotion, but Lucy's pregnant with a retarded drummer boy. The Xbox 360 is still leading in total console sales with PS3 still in dead last, yet their Blu-ray is winning the format war by far. Blu-ray discs just topped one million sales, with 832,530 sales in 2007, and only 359,300 HD DVDs sold in 2007 in comparison. Even seven of the top ten best selling high definition movies are Blu-ray. Sony might as well stick a trophy on their head, it looks like there's no way they'll lose the format war. They've still got a retarded drummer baby to worry about though, is it legal to put up consoles for adoption? Maybe if you're lucky Sony will ring your doorbell and run, leaving their PS3 on your doorstep.

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There are 9 comments about this post:

04/24/2007 16:37
TC says
Geez...imagine that - Sony having a "vision" of future media possibilities. What's next memory cards and sticks...oh, wait they got that covered. By the way, Beta is still better than VHS. $600 for my Blu Ray player is still better than most if not all on the market. And here's a little secret, it plays video games also. I'm so happy...
04/24/2007 16:54
Mac says
I am not to sure about HD-DVDs....being that there is going to be so many different ways to get HD content in the next few years I think its a big waste of money...
04/24/2007 17:37
Anthony says
I'm still not biting on either format, but today at Fry's I saw about a dozen guys all hovering around the Blu-Ray section, muttering, flipping cases over and examining them like they were rare artifacts.
04/24/2007 18:10
AgentMoskau says
I don't think anyone was suggesting that BluRay was bad in any way (except for the fact that slurring the words makes it sound like "blurry"), what we're disappointed about is the simple fact that Sont will create another product superior to its competition only to completely eff it up later.

This, my friend, is inevitable.
04/24/2007 18:59
Michael says
I've never seen anyone buy a HD-DVD, I honestly don't know if I've even seen a HD-DVD case.
04/25/2007 00:55
audevive says
I wouldn't count HD-DVD out yet. Wal-Mart appears to be throwing their weight behind HD-DVD and their cheaper players and media. If Wal-Mart supports a format, you can be sure it will change the market. Check out http://news.digitaltrends.com/talkback184.html for a pretty good read.
04/25/2007 01:36
anthony says
I have both and I must say blu-ray does have the advantage over hd the sound and picture are both more refined.
04/25/2007 09:46
Demagus says
I think one of the BIG reasons the Blu-Ray has trumped the HDDvD thus far is simple: The PS3 is a free Blu-Ray player. Can anyone get a free HDDvD player? Nope.

However, once more people start investing in the HD drive for the 360, I think that the sales might even out a bit more. Though, being as extra money needs to be shelled out for the HD drive, I think the Blu-Ray will maintain the lead.
04/26/2007 04:07
Fuil says
That's funny, I thought the PS3 was a $600 Blu-Ray player, since that is all most people are using it for at the moment. Oh, it plays games too? Any that I care about playing? No.

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