The newest issue of Electronic Gaming Monthly magazine has some interesting stories in its rumor section, check this out PS3 gamers:

"The biggest is that Team Ninja apparently have an exclusive new Dead or Alive game in the works for the Sony console. Also interesting is that Capcom is apparently remaking the original Mega Man with new graphics for download on PSN. And for RPG fans, Nippon Ichi is working on a new Disgaea for PS3 and Square Enix has a new Kingdom Hearts coming -- though it won't be Kingdom Hearts 3 (that will be coming later)."

If all the rumors turn out to be true, then that's great news for several different genres. It looks like Kingdom Hearts will be ripped to pieces as much as every installment of Final Fantasy has been recently. I remember when I heard about Final Fantasy X-2 and could barely grasp the concept of another FF game without it being FFXI. For the most part I'm glad to see them continue their stories past the scope of just one game, and if FFXIII turns out to be multiple games that are all the same story from different perspectives, then I'm all for it. I'm just afraid it's their excuse for working on ten different games at once, and giving us only 1/10th of the content and story we expect in each installment. These are all just rumors though, so only time will tell.

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There are 8 comments about this post:

05/02/2007 15:41
A copy of May's EGM is here, if that's the issue you're refering too. http://rapidshare.com/files/29134969/Electronic.Gaming.Monthly.Magazine.May.2007.PDF.eBook-iNTENSiTY.pdf.rar
05/02/2007 15:42
Copy and paste all together. Text didn't wrap properly.
05/02/2007 15:42
Michael says
Updated Megaman would be cool, but I'd prefer it on my PSP really. Side scrolling shooters work well on handhelds.

Random PS3 question for you Tom (or anyone): What do you think of Ninja Gaiden Sigma demo? I can not wait for that game to go live, everything (graphics, controls, surround sound) is perfect and really shows off the PS3. Some of my wife's friends, after getting past the, "gross blood" commented that it was the, "most realist" video game ever.

Considering that they have a sample of Super Mario Brothers, Pong and Mario Cart to compare it against, well, it's not saying much, but hell, to hear it from that demographic I was shocked.
05/02/2007 22:59
Grim says
360 gets Virtua Fighter, now PS3 gets DOA ... no fair!
05/02/2007 23:02
matt says

Do you live under a rock? They already re-made Megaman for the PSP with updated graphics. http://www.gamespot.com/psp/action/rockmanrockman/index.html?q=megaman%20powered%20up&tag=result;title;0
05/02/2007 23:36
Dexter345 says
I'm hoping for another Chain of Memories style Kingdom Hearts game. Card battling on the DS would rock.
05/03/2007 09:57
uberbandit says
Michael, if only Ninja Gaiden was certainly a new game, it would make buy the stupid PS3 reasonable for me, but being a beefed up version of the Xbox classic, mind my indignity. I mean, XBOX! and that's one of the first games for the XBOX! Where is next-gen man?
superhumanben thanks, downloading.
05/03/2007 11:11
Michael says
Matt: Yes actually, and let me tell you my 2 hour hikes into town to get on the world wide intarweb and leave messages on TLB leaves me very little time to surf for all the PSP games released. I do my best, but sir, thank you for informing me about this. (Sarcasm aside, thanks man I had no clue!)

Uber: This is a new game. Cereal. I dinked around on the OG Box with NG in our local trade in store and it was good, but this, wow, it's beyond what I expected for an "update" it's rad to the max.

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