YouNEWB found these video gaming coasters for sale over on Etsy. Most of them are four inches by four inches in size, with some even as large as ten inches by ten inches. Individually they cost four to eight dollars depending on size, but a lot of the better coasters come in ten to fifteen dollar sets of four, making them great gifts for the gamer girls in your life. The majority are standard square coasters and others are organic, covering games such as Dr. Mario, Sonic The Hedgehog, Mario, Zelda, various Final Fantasy games, Dragon Warrior, Excitebike, Mega Man games and more. Check out the entire selection below to see if there's any you like, or you can go here and make a request of your own.
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FF1 Coaster set is beyond rad. GD this is awesome!!!
Tom this is a GREAT post. I will be paying for this kids tuition for the next semester. He just got 30 USD and I didn't even think of what I was buying! Thanks!
Just cause I care to share:
I purchased FF1 Coasters, DWarrior Magnets and SMB Coasters on 5/29. Oh and shipping was affordable, not a rip off like most indi-sellers / ebayers.
The dude, OneChordWonder, emailed me on 5/30 with a thank you and a note saying items will be shipped on 6/01. When the items arrive I will try to remember to leave another comment about quality / shipping times etc. So far so good.