PlayStation Universe just scored an interview with ZootFly, the guys who were going to make a Ghostbusters video game until Sony Pictures Entertainment made them stop their project plans. Zootfly still plans to release their gritty looking TimeO game though, but not much is known about the game other than it's set in a New York shadow world where the city is literally your enemy as it attacks you with war machines. Most of the interview with CEO Bostjan Troha was disappointing and more appraising than it was insightful, but the last few questions and answers give us some interesting new details:
PSU: What is one of your favorite features in Time0?
Troha: The Frook. It's a device that helps Zed manipulate with objects, like a grapnel, except much more fun. For example, you can smash an enemy by frooking two dumpsters together. And, there's buildering & Zed is an avid climber, and he'll climb house fronts just for kicks.
PSU: Will ZootFly be utilizing the SIXAXIS controls in Time0? If so, any examples?
Troha: In a game like TimeO, SIXAXIS will be great fun. For example, you'll kick in doors by thrusting the controller forward, or break window bars by pulling swiftly it towards you.PSU: What is the top resolution (1080p?) and frame rate you are looking to achieve in Time0?
PSU: Is there an estimated released date?
Troha: Currently the game runs smoothly at 720p on an Xbox360. As for PS3, we'll have to do some more porting and optimizing to see what we can achieve.
Troha: We're shopping for a publisher right now. However, if there won't be major changes, the game should be out by Christmas 2008.
I'm not sure I understand what frooking actually is, but damnit, I want to do it. They ruled out a Wii version, but TimeO will most likely come to Xbox 360 as well, though it's cool to know the PS3 version will be different. ZootFly has only been working on the game since November, so they're moving along pretty fast. Here's some new pictures of their progress.