The picture above is almost certainly not real, so don't get your hopes up. Sony wouldn't dare make the PSP2 a DS doppleganger. If they did we'd probably have the first fanboy rage induced industry assassination. Kotaku does think a PSP2 is coming this year though. The recent rumors are that third party companies know the PSP2 is a reality, and they're all anxious to make a game for the new design and ride the sales bandwagon. Sony refuses to comment, meaning there will either be no third party games when it launches, or it's a complete lie. Kotaku's inside sources insist it's true though, and even offer the following details of the redesigned handheld:
- The screen is gorgeous
- The loads are faster
- Improved buttons
- Internal flash — 8GB
- Possible touch-screen
- Possible built-in camera
- Uses UMD
Since nothing about this huge announcement was mentioned at the Game Developers Conference, speculation is that Sony will reveal their revamped handheld at the E3 event in July, and even announce its winter launch date. It would certainly be a great strategy for stealing the show from Nintendo and Microsoft, but it won't be safe for Sony's speakers if the PSP2 looks anything like the picture above. We might not see Super Smash Bros at E3, but brawls will still be had if Sony copies the DS design. And if the price is anywhere near the price of a whole PS3, Sony fanboys might throw in a few punches too.
Update: Kotaku has already confirmed the rumor to be true, giving them the enjoyment of revealing secret Sony news once again. UK Sony Computer Entertainment's Ray Maguire has admitted that the current PSP design is only "the first first iteration, and that a smaller, lighter version of the handheld is in the works." Ray stated that the PSP display screen wouldn't change, but didn't offer any more details. A Sony spokesperson later commented that besides firmware updates, they're in no rush for immediate changes, but they are working on a new PSP.
Update 2: SCEA's Dave Karraker has now come out to speak for Sony, and has said that no PSP redesign has been officially announced yet. He called Ray's comments "general context" regarding typical electronics trends, but he didn't deny any of his allegations.
Yeah...doesn't seem like a rumour to me. Heck, even Kotaku linked to that a few hours afterwards...
Internet too fast for TLB :(