ScrewAttack has another top ten game video list worth watching, this time it's the game series that disappeared. The first game series that came to my mind was Adventure Island, and then Square's Chrono series. I only guessed a few of their other picks though, here's their list if you're too busy to watch the video:

  • 10. Bubsy the Bobcat
  • 9. Ecco the Dolphin
  • 8. Vectorman
  • 7. Adventure Island
  • 6. Keith Courage
  • 5. Mystical Ninja
  • 4. Wizards and Warriors
  • 3. Blaster Master
  • 2. Chrono series
  • 1. ActRaiser

I think a next gen underwater game would be great, even if it meant putting up with porpoises all over again. Distant future games like Crysis have showcased bright underwater graphics briefly, and BioShock is immersed in dark depths. Maybe PS3 could make Ecco an expansion to Afrika, to further work into their PlayStation Home plans. Your avatar can rent scuba gear and take the plunge whenever you want, and once you collect enough pearls you can buy a boat and travel to Madagaskar. I'd love it, yet don't doubt for a second that another Ecco would fail miserably in sales. However, I don't see how another Chrono game could go wrong, Square Enix should start working on that now that we're stuck with Final Fantasy XIII for ten more years. Can you think of any other series worthy of a spot on this top ten list?

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