ScrewAttack is back with another Top 10 list for us. This time they focus on the biggest video game douchebags, and you should immediately know exactly who the top two rankers are. Thankfully, they don't disappoint at the end, here's their full list:

  • 10. Wario
  • 9. Superman
  • 8. Michael Jackson
  • 7. Dr. Robotnik
  • 6. Ruffians
  • 5. The Burger King
  • 4. Bowser
  • 3. Psycho Mantis
  • 2. Jack Thompson
  • 1. The Duck Hunt Dog

The Burger King was a nice addition to a mostly predictable list. No matter how much nonsense comes from Jack Thompson's mouth, he'll never compare to the canine we've all wanted to kill at one point in our lives. Who would you add to the list?



TechEBlog found this new top ten video from GameTrailers, and when the list starts with a console that never even launched, you know the rest are going to be pretty terrible. After watching N-Gage, followed by the Nintendo nightmare, and 3D0, it's hard to go any further in this video. If you'd rather not submit yourself to such torture, here's the whole list:

  • 10. Phantom
  • 9. N-Gage
  • 8. Virtual Boy
  • 7. 3DO
  • 6. Sega Genesis Add-ons
  • 5. Jaguar
  • 4. Philips CDi
  • 3. Atari 5200
  • 2. R-Zone
  • 1. Gizmondo

As big of a joke as Gizmondo was, at least it looked halfway decent. My number one pick would probably have to be R-Zone, video games don't get more ridiculous than that. When kids in school used to come in wearing those freaky headgear braces, we'd make fun of them and get sent to the principal's office. But when kids came to school wearing R-Zone it was a holiday, and we got to make fun of them all day until they broke down crying, which of course made their game all blurry and killed their character much to our joy.

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GameTrailers has another classic top ten list for us to watch. They attempted to choose the best ten 8-bit games of all time, and somehow rank them in a list:

  • 10. River City Ransom
  • 9. Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse
  • 8. Shinobi
  • 7. Dragon Warrior IV
  • 6. Tecmo Super Bowl
  • 5. Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!!
  • 4. Mega Man 2
  • 3. Contra
  • 2. The Legend of Zelda
  • 1. Super Mario Bros. 3
Damn. You could easily switch any of the top six into the number one spot depending on what kind of gamer you are, so many memorable moments came from these games. It's a good thing I didn't make this list because I'm completely bias to Bubble Bobble. For the sole fact that Legend of Zelda started its series, and Super Mario Bros. 3 was able to work off of an existing series of characters and gameplay, I think I'd bump up the original Zelda to number one. How do you like their list's order? What would you guys and gamer girls add or take off of the list?
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ScrewAttack has another top ten game video list worth watching, this time it's the game series that disappeared. The first game series that came to my mind was Adventure Island, and then Square's Chrono series. I only guessed a few of their other picks though, here's their list if you're too busy to watch the video:

  • 10. Bubsy the Bobcat
  • 9. Ecco the Dolphin
  • 8. Vectorman
  • 7. Adventure Island
  • 6. Keith Courage
  • 5. Mystical Ninja
  • 4. Wizards and Warriors
  • 3. Blaster Master
  • 2. Chrono series
  • 1. ActRaiser

I think a next gen underwater game would be great, even if it meant putting up with porpoises all over again. Distant future games like Crysis have showcased bright underwater graphics briefly, and BioShock is immersed in dark depths. Maybe PS3 could make Ecco an expansion to Afrika, to further work into their PlayStation Home plans. Your avatar can rent scuba gear and take the plunge whenever you want, and once you collect enough pearls you can buy a boat and travel to Madagaskar. I'd love it, yet don't doubt for a second that another Ecco would fail miserably in sales. However, I don't see how another Chrono game could go wrong, Square Enix should start working on that now that we're stuck with Final Fantasy XIII for ten more years. Can you think of any other series worthy of a spot on this top ten list?

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GameTrailers has assembled their list of the top ten consoles of all time. It's a little painful to see how some of the order unfolds, but I can't really disagree with their rankings:

  • 10. Dreamcast
  • 9. Atari 2600
  • 8. Game Boy
  • 7. Nintendo 64
  • 6. Sega Genesis
  • 5. Game Boy Advance
  • 4. PlayStation 2
  • 3. Nintendo Entertainment System
  • 2. Super Nintendo
  • 1. PlayStation

You knew Dreamcast was going to come first even though it deserves better, and whether you flip the order of the top two or not, they both are unquestionably consoles of clout. It's cheap to give Game Boy two spots though, I wish they would have been bold enough to limit it to just the original and try to figure out what would then gain the new #10 spot. The only thing I think I'd change would be bumping Nintendo 64 up to #5, simply because the best Genesis games don't even compare to the best N64 games. What about you guys, what would your top ten picks be? Or top five if you're lazy.

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ScrewAttack has gone out of their way to make yet another great video for gamers to enjoy and debate. This time it's their opinion on the top ten best GameCube games, as a farewell to the dying console that was arguably dead since day one. As usual, I agree with their picks, just disagree on their order, here's how they ranked them:

  • 10. Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem
  • 9. Ikaruga
  • 8. Soul Calibur II
  • 7. Viewtiful Joe
  • 6. Super Mario Sunshine
  • 5. Animal Crossing
  • 4. Super Smash Bros. Melee
  • 3. Metroid Prime
  • 2. Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
  • 1. Resident Evil 4

I don't really feel right calling Twilight Princess a GameCube game, it's something we wanted ever since they showed that damn GameCube E3 tech demo with Link fighting Ganon in impressive 3D graphics, yet we didn't get it until the Wii came out. Eventually we got Wind Waker, which was definitely much better than expected, but putting off a single game for an entire console's lifespan, and then dumping it on the Wii to make us follow them on a risky idea was despicable.

I'd take Twilight Princess off this list and exile it to whatever the Wii's outcome is, and throw Wind Waker on this list near the top. Then I'd try to squeeze Pikmin in on the bottom somehow, bump up Eternal Darkness to mid-list, and probably move Super Smash Bros. Melee to the number two slot. I hate the Resident Evil games, and even though Resident Evil 4 was the change I always wanted from the series, I still didn't like it that much. I can recognize a great game when I play one though, even if I don't like it, so I'm happy with it on top. What would you guys change? What's your number one picks?

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IGN put together this top ten list by polling editors around the office, and combining their lists with reader review input. Here's the ten they claim to be the toughest games to beat of all time:

  • 10. Ninja Gaiden Black
  • 9. Devil May Cry 3
  • 8. Battletoads
  • 7. R-Type
  • 6. MDK2
  • 5. Super Ghouls 'N Ghosts
  • 4. F-Zero GX
  • 3. Shinobi
  • 2. Mega Man
  • 1. Contra

Obviously endless games like World of Warcraft are disqualified, but I thought E.T. on Atari would show up on the list. How many have you and your friends beaten? I didn't reach a passing grade, but in my defense, not all "classic" games are good just because they're hard to beat. There's nothing that pisses me off more in gaming than people who constantly brag about beating games that came out decades ago.

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ScrewAttack is back with another Top 10 video for us - this time they attack the beat 'em up genre. There rules aren't strict, they're just looking for arcade style fun, but I completely disagree with their list:

  • 10. Batman Returns
  • 9. Golden Axe
  • 8. Battletoads
  • 7. Streets of Rage 2
  • 6. River City Ransom
  • 5. Guardian Heroes
  • 4. Final Fight
  • 3. Double Dragon
  • 2. The Simpsons
  • 1. TMNT Turtles in Time

I don't care how many times I dressed up as a Ninja Turtle for Halloween when I was a kid, and I don't care how cool saying "BARF!" is while using your buddy as a weapon - everyone knows the best beat 'em up of all time is Streets of Rage 2. The only one of these games I haven't played is the Sega Saturn game Guardian Heroes, which does sounds pretty awesome, but there's no way it could top Streets of Rage 2. For five summers in a row my whole block would play Streets of Rage 2 every night - if we occasionally played hide and go seek tag in the dark instead, we lost half the block of players. It took both Goldeneye 64 and Super Smash Bros. 64 to overcome our Rage addiction. Basically, it took almost all of Nintendo 64 to beat one old school game. What do you guys think of the list?



Games.net compiled a list of what they thought are the best games to play when you're stoned. Normally I would suggest not doing drugs, but TheLastBoss actually encourages drug use while playing games - it gives the bosses an upper hand. It's the closest thing we'll ever get to having cheat codes of our own. The video has an annoying black and white intro that's not very groovy, but once you hear the stoned narrator just sit back and relax as the list counts down. Here they are in order if you're too spaced out to keep up.

  • 10. PaRappa the Rapper
  • 9. Fantavision
  • 8. SSX Tricky
  • 7. Viewtiful Joe
  • 6. Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonous
  • 5. Lumines
  • 4. Beyond Good and Evil
  • 3. Super Smash Bros. Melee
  • 2. Katamari Damacy
  • 1. Rez

Grandma's Boy aficionados would argue that the list lacks an FPS, and I'm shocked a Mario title didn't make the cut simply for having mushrooms in it, but it has a good variety of colorful games that are sure to stimulate your mind before hunger gets the best of you. I think Silent Hill should be added on there as a challenging though - instead of finding the meaning of life in a Katamari, let's see you have a bad acid trip and run past Silent Hill enemies without wigging out.

Speaking of getting stoned . . . you can watch Snoop Dogg play video games at the Hip Hop Gaming League here

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Screw Attack's top ten boobs in video games list put me in a mood. No, not for porn, but for more Top 10 lists, and Screw Attack isn't new to these topic. Here's their classic top ten game secrets list from last year - I like how each year passes but we still look to retro games for the best secrets and cheats. Of all ten games on the list, only one was released in recent years:

  • Mega Man - pause trick
  • Street Fighter II - mirror match
  • Legend of Zelda - second quest code
  • Mortal Kombat - blood enabled
  • Grand Theft Auto San Andreas - hot coffee mod
  • Altered Beast - cartridge swap
  • Sonic the Hedgehog - debug mode
  • Metroid - Justin Bailey cheat
  • Contra - Konami code
  • Super Mario Bros. - sewers warp pipes
Pretty good list, although I think a random level from Wolfenstein 3D's Dark Secret chapter deserves a spot among the rest - I can't think of any other game that has a hundred secret passages in a single level. Can you think of any other cheats or secrets that should be on the list?
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