Years will pass and this will be forgotten as an urban legend, but TheBBPS has the pictures to prove it's real. Last year the God of War developers ran a contest asking players to make a different costume for Kratos, and by far the shittiest looking one was an upright fish named the Cod of War. Perfect. The two second concept art was adapted into the aquatic hero you see above. You can play as him on your second play through the game, and his blades have even been replaced with fish hooks for hilarious gameplay. Now if only we can convince them to make a Mog of War in the next game.
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This is the "Mexican God of War" video - I have no idea what he's saying, but I'm convinced the first half of the video frenzy is him trying to get water out of his ear, and the second half's havoc is either him celebrating the liquid's escape, or getting further frustrated. I know "Yo Soy Kratossssss!" means "I am a terrible cosplayer," but beyond that he could be declaring war on America for all I know. Any Spanish speakers reading? Please enlighten us on what this epic kitchen battle is all about.

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Here's a new gameplay video of Kratos scaling Atlas in God of War 2. It starts off with him pulling a Spiderman as he swings from one chain to the next and risks falling to his death. Then he pulls an X-Men and pimps out the Icarus angel wings to maneuver around the level. It's video preview like this that let you know the sequel will be just as good as we hope - in this short clip we already see several different challenges and obstacles. It's a shame not many game companies are willing to take the time to create action adventure games filled with puzzles, I can't wait until the best game of the year awards come back for 2007, and God of War 2 is on it fearlessly facing PS3 and 360's best. The wait is almost over - God of War 2 comes out on March 13th for PlayStation 2. Do you guys plan on buying it right away?

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Elsewhere on the Network:

02.01.2007 23 NEW GOD OF WAR 2 PICTURES

EvilAvatar just got ahold of 23 new high resolution photos of God of War 2. Half of the pictures are from the Colossus of Rhodes boss battle that we watched yesterday, but the rest are of Kratos grappling indoors and outdoors in combat. The textures are pretty nice for the PS2, but most of the geometry of objects looks simple - it'll be fun comparing this game's graphics to Final Fantasy XII. The Rhodes statue has some fugly fingers, but his under construction arm looks awesome when lightning is surging through it. If this is one of the early bosses then I can't wait to see how impressive the last boss is.
Photo Photo Photo Photo Photo Photo Photo Photo Photo Photo Photo Photo Photo Photo Photo Photo Photo Photo Photo Photo Photo Photo Photo
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The 'hammer' teaser trailer came out last night and GameTrailers has the high quality version for us as usual. It's great to see companies other than Square Enix making the PS2 graphics looking borderline early PS3 graphics. A lot of the 360 and PS3 games actually bother me - they look shiny for no reason, giving everything a greasy feel. Parallax mapping can be cool, but games like Kameo just didn't always implement it very well. Everything in the God of War II trailer looks crisp and sleek though, and everything is way more epic than before. Kratos looks  more badass, the environments feel more real, and the bosses could take any of the Colossi in a bar fight. Ripping wings off of your enemies has never looked as good before as it will in March when this game finally comes out. I can't wait to jump into a temple sized crossbow and launch myself at the bosses. God of War II has kickass TheLastBoss written all over it.

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