This isn't worth posting I told myself, I'll just look at one picture. And the bunny eared queer you see above is what I laid my eyes on. The trick to being able to reproduce like rabbits is actually getting laid, so I thankfully don't see her ever making it to step two. America has its fair share of cosplayers too, but I feel bad for Europe - look at the conditions they have to embarrass themselves in. It's as if you can hear the moo's in the photos as they march along talking about their best critical attacks and argue over what's the best mother's cooked meal to eat while playing FFX.
I'm not sure how the hierarchy of trumping each other works, but if I ever went to a Final Fantasy cosplay event I'd dress up my neighbor's dogs as moogles, hop into an Odin outfit, and then ride a horse through the event dragging bloody fuzzy corpses behind me. Of course this might actually be a bad idea, beacause there'd be 1000 losers thinking they can actually take me on using their manga as materia. But that's when I cast the Rain of Retards spell and trip the fire alarm sprinklers - everyone's costumes would be ruined and all you'd hear is "Somebody find a save point, hurry!" All it would take is one Wakka idiot dropping his dodgeball on the way to the exit, and everyone else would trip over each other in their escape attempts.