After the newest Postal teaser video pissed everyone off, Vince Desi from Running With Scissors (the company that made the Postal video games) responded to the concerns of the public. Here's all the exerts from his reply smooshed together as one big foot-in-the-mouth meal:
"First, let me say I’m from New York City, but my reason for hating the terrorists is because they are terrorists. Killing innocent people of any age, race, religion is insane, even for 79 virgins. While it’s always funny to mock evil, and let’s face it that’s what these [terrorists] are, we at RWS also try our best to distinguish between dark-spirited satire and purposely hurtful personal attacks, which we do not condone. We also believe that while it is a terrific source of humor to mock extremist views in general, be it straight, gay, bestial, white, black, purple, whatever, we do not feel it is right to mock actual, specific tragedies and poke fun at the expense of innocent victims."
Way to give your rioters the exact response they were looking for, you've pretty much satisfied no one Vince Desi. It would be like if I replied to being called a Sony hater with the following message:
"First, let me say I’m from Pittsburgh, but my reason for hating the PS3 is because it is the PS3. Selling $600 PS3s to innocent people of any age, race, religion is insane. While it’s always funny to mock Sony, and let’s face it that’s what these [Internets] are, I at TLB also try my best to distinguish between Microsoft muckraking and purposely hurtful Wiimotes, which I somewhat condone. I also believe that while it is a terrific source of humor to mock extremist views in general, be it Wii fanboys, PS3 fanboys, 360 fanboys, PSP's existence, whatever, I do not feel it is right to mock actual, specific tragedies, such as the PS3 global launch."
I don't see how the next Postal video could top the last one, it doesn't get much more in your face then crashing a terrorist plane into the camera. I'm sure Uwe Boll will try his hardest though. Likewise, the Nintendo drought is only another month or two away, so I doubt I could become any more of a Sony basher, although I'll definitely try.