Timothy Z. Mosley, better known as millionaire hip hop music artist Timbaland, has been producing music for over a decade now, with three albums and dozens of collaborative singles under his bastardly belt. Why is he such an asshole? Let's backtrack to the year 2000 when an original Amiga module audio track entitled Acidjazzed Evening was composed by Janne Suni, a.k.a. Tempest, a Finnish demoscener (dudes and dudettes who use computers to make visual and audio art) who won first place in an Oldskool Music competition. Then the song was remixed with Suni's permission by Glenn Rune Gallefoss, a.k.a GRG, for the Commodore 64 - the gaming system that was mother of many beloved games of our youth. Hundreds of midi techno geeks orgasmed at the tune, but it was sadly forgotten.

Then, in June of last year, Nelly Furtado released the album Loose, featuring the track Do It with tunes produced by Timbaland, using his previous Block Party (what an original name!) cell phone music that went by unnoticed. Thousands of people orgasmed at the tune this time, and it was again forgotten, but months later the Internet has finally caught on. The YouTube above is fairly shitty in quality, so if you're up for some awesome music then feel free to prove it to yourself:

  • Legally download Janne Suni's Acidjazzed Evening here.
  • C64 remake mp3 can be heard here.
  • Legal, yet obnoxious pop-up 30 second preview can be found here on Amazon.

I'm listening to the Nelly Furtado song right now and it's painfully obvious how much of a clone this is of the Commodore64 remake. Sux 2BU Janne Suni, but it's good to be us - at least Timbaland being a dastardly dick enabled more of us to discover the great Acidjazz Evening song. Thanks to YTMND user GeckoYamori for bringing this to the public's attention. His YTMND includes much better audio quality proof of the Timbaland's thievery.

Update: Timbaland is now working with Rockstar Games on a PSP game called Beaterator. No thanks, asshole.


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There are 5 comments about this post:

01/18/2007 09:42
Samuel says
Rap artists always seem to be "sampling" copyrighted material for their songs, but this asshole stole the whole friggin song! I hope he gets hit by a truck and buried in the ET cartridge landfill.
01/18/2007 12:03
Kunikos says
Sometimes an artist would like to license usage for the song sample but cannot find a way to contact the person who holds the copyright. If the original artist has moved and has no contact information, and/or the artist has died or the copyright holder is a company and they have gone bankrupt, then it becomes more than trivial to legally license the song sample. While it's in poor taste to still use it in a song, it isn't completely surprising. Timbaland's legal representation at his record label will likely handle any payments out of court when/if Janne Suni or the company making the C64 remix contact them.
01/18/2007 12:14
Grim says
Reminds me of the Dani California controversy even though that had absolutely nothing to do with gaming.
01/20/2007 07:23
Against Tim says
Stealing to make a ringtone is pathetic and rappers are showing what they are really made of.
Please send this link to all your friends and let's try to help Janne Suni out!
01/20/2007 20:18
daniel says
you are all retarded, all modern rap/hiphop and electronic music is sample based... all of you are just jealous you dont have the talent that timbaland has...

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