This video is a classic combat showdown where Mortal Kombat's Scorpion tries to force a fatality on the legendary Street Fighter Ryu. It goes way above and beyond what you expect to see - using 4 straight minutes of nonstop 2D animation annihilation, its sound effects and choreography put Xiao Xiao and every other 2D battle to shame. Fought to the awesome movie music of E.S. Posthumus's song "Pompeii," the combat crosses several levels as Scorpion sends a dozen "Get over here!" spear attacks at a time towards Ryu. Using Ryu's body as a yo-yo, Scorpion takes the early lead until Ryu finally breaks free and uses the spear string as a leash to throw the masked man around. Harnessing all of his hadouken skills, Ryu makes a comeback, but is it enough? The ending starts to disappoint, but has a fulfilling final outcome after just one contender is left standing.


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There are 12 comments about this post:

01/26/2007 16:15
KMils says
That was pretty awesome, brilliantly choreographed, kick-ass music. Not so sure on the ending, but still better than anything I've ever seen.
01/26/2007 16:22
What a lame cop-out for an ending, not to mention that Scorpion couldn't really die that way anyway.

But I know that's not the point. The choreography is indeed better than Xiao Xiao, but XX is both way older and has more charm. That said, it was highly entertaining.
01/26/2007 16:42
Michael says
I'm a huge 2d fighter. That was f'ing awesome. It's up there with Daigo full parry in terms of must watch.
01/26/2007 16:42
Aaron says
Well, I thought everything was great.. including the ending... end music was from Meet Joe Black if you cared to know. It was very seemless...
01/26/2007 16:48
Yeah, the ending was decent... although I kind of wished it would be someone like Ken that would save him instead of Akuma.
01/26/2007 16:54
Michael says
01/26/2007 16:58
Michael says
http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/276650 Better picture quality. This guy is gooooood at what he does.
01/26/2007 17:29
Kunikos says
It would have been cooler if he had turned into Evil Ryu or something...
01/26/2007 17:46
Frank says
Wow that was the coolest thing I have seen in days, I really wish sometime in the future a game like this can be a reality either someone should mod the shit out of it or Midway should make sweet love with Capcom and make Midway vs. Capcom and bring arcade games back or just slap that shit on for the 360. I would be at the arcades like oldtimes.
01/26/2007 23:33
Michael says
I hope you all are viewing the links I posted, the quality of the full videos are just amazing. I've shown about a dozen people the Ryu fight (mostly non gamers) and they were cheering by the end of the clip. That's some serious shit.
01/28/2007 00:50
dave says
GAAAAAY! street fighter is boring, slow, and just plain sucks. Scorpion won that fight, then you threw in the lame cop-out ending. for that this video sucks. everyone should stop sucking street fighter's dick and look towards the best fighter....MORTAL KOMBAT!
02/01/2007 06:15
Monty says
Although Mortal Kombat is my favorite, I have to say this was a pretty sweet little video. We do know, however, that this fight is fake because Scorpion will always win a real battle. He must have gotten paid to take a dive... It's amazing what money will do to a man.

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