Today's hot video is the "Real Street Fighter" video seen above, featuring Ryu beating the shit out of Ken on stage. Even though it's not any where near as cool as Ryu vs Scorpion, it's done well, with kids holding up the health bar in the background, and guys dressed in black moving the Hadouken attacks across the stage for them. I think the much more nerdier video below is more entertaining though. It's another stage fight, but it's about Ken and Ryu learning how to do the Hadouken move for the first time, and their master's reluctance to give them the move they'll use way to much in the future. There's a few geeks in the audience that try to get a slow clap started one too many times, but it's still a great stage performance to bring back some bad fighting memories. Hopefully Street Fighter: The Later Years part four will be out soon.


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There are 2 comments about this post:

02/12/2007 18:58
dave says
STUPID! this video sucks. Street Fighter sucks. it was slow and clunky. give me Mortal Kombat anyday!
02/15/2007 09:31
TripsEX says
Yeah, because Mortal Kombat didn't have the worst tech moves or frame buffers ever.

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