Hey Microsoft, where's the GDC news? Quit stalling! Here's all they've had to show lately, five new pictures of the American version of Blue Dragon, except most of them aren't even new, they're just fixed to display English. Good job Microsoft. I also threw in this picture to show how lame this game looks, I'm still convinced I'll hate it. Me and Akira Toriyama's art style don't mix - I'd rather play a game full of his Dragonball Z circular muscles and forky follicle hair styles than deal with his childish universe where everything looks like a clown zombie. Doesn't Hironobu Sakaguchi hold design meetings? No one said a simple blue dragon looks shitty, and is a terrible thing to base your game on? When Yu-gi-oh puts your title to shame with a single card, blue eyes white dragon, you know you've got a game that's potentially not worth playing. I mean, he's a game design legend, I'd let him name the game simply Dragon without questioning the man, but I draw the line at big cross-eyed Blue Bats. Worst summon ever. I must also point out once again that the environments looks insanely empty. I can't wait to point out this game's flaws when it comes out in August.