Bethesda has put the Wii to shame by figuring out a way to make a PSP version of Oblivion, but they're still might make a separate unrelated Wii game in the future. An interview with Bethesda's Peter Hines gives us an update on this year's agenda:

"Is the PS3 version very different to the 360 version?

No, it's pretty much the same. It comes with the Knights of the Nine expansion because it sits very well with the game, but performance wise et cetera it's very much on a par.

Is producing a Wii game something Bethesda would like to do?

It's something we'd like to do, but unfortunately it's not a very good fit with Oblivion. Oblivion is a very demanding game hardware-wise and in terms of graphics processing and raw horsepower. It's not something the Wii was designed to do. They decided not to make the focus on raw horsepower but on interface and so forth.

It's a great console and many of us at Bethesda have one but I know that bringing Oblivion over is not possible - we'd have to do a whole new game.

Is that something you're considering?

It's something we've talked about, but I don't think you could say we're considering it. It's not in our immediate future - maybe something we'll look at somewhere down the road.

What about the PSP version of Oblivion? Is that still due in spring?

It's still in the works; the release date at the minute is TBC. It's a completely different development track. It basically uses nothing from Oblivion, it's a completely new game."

So most likely we'll have PSP Oblivion in fall, and a Bethesda Wii game next year only if we're lucky. Why not make a Mii Oblivion game? Miyamoto has joked before that Nintendo executives would load their Miis onto Hyrule when they got bored at work - a Mii Oblivion game based in already existing Nintendo worlds would be great.

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There are 6 comments about this post:

03/22/2007 16:57
MBTO says
How the fuck do you consider this putting the Wii "to shame"?

And if you actually bothered to read the last question, it says: "It's a completely different development track. It basically uses nothing from Oblivion, it's a completely new game."

They didn't "...make a PSP version of Oblivion.". It's an entirely new entity.

I enjoy coming to this site because you seem to post some pretty interesting stories that I'm not likely to find at IGN, Gamespot, or 1Up but your OBVIOUS fucking bias towards Sony is ridiculous.

Stop with the trite snide remarks and just report the news, please.

03/22/2007 18:03
MBTO says
I never called you a fanboy but statements like "I'm willing to bet PS3 will be stealing all the good news, and Wii will begin to be the one collecting dust" is cutting it very close, Tom. How can you say that? Back that shit up with some viable GOOD press for Sony and I might take your word for it. They have completely botched this system so far and they haven't shown ANYTHING that even resembles something that could put them over the top in the console race. The only reason that you talk shit on Sony is because you HAVE to. It's been only bad news all year and it doesn't seem like it's going to let up anytime soon. I like the site, but the bias is there and has been for a while. P.S. - The PSP is a piece of shit and a flop. There is no "plus" for it. End of story.
03/22/2007 18:47
Michael says
I really don't like this Michael guy having the same screenname as me. It makes me and other Michael's look like f'ing idiots. Tom is CLEARLY not a Sony fanboi, at best he's a 360 lover who cheats on his beloved box with his DS. Oh and, well, he owns a 20gb ps3 (OUCH) so you really have no basis to call him a true fanboi. P.S. - The PSP is pretty gd awesome considering all it does, and lately it has been getting some major top tier games, games that the DS wishes it had. By no means is it in the same league as far as sales goes with the little white bastard but for real gamers the PSP offers some big time stuff. A lot more then Brain Age and Super Mario Brothers.
03/23/2007 01:03
Gwenn says
The DS and PSP both have great stuff, yeah. Thing is, the PSP is still a tad too pricey for me, so I'll be waiting a little longer before picking one up.
As for a Wii Oblivion, it'd be fun to play. Actual swordfighting and archery, whoo! And casting spells...shit, now I want this.
03/23/2007 08:39
Chase says
lol this is funny. MIchael, you're an idiot. A couple months ago, people were ripping into Tom beacuse they said he was obviously a 360/Wii fanboi and hated Sony and the PS3. Believe it or not, people can actually make comparisons and draw conclusions without being biased. Tom hammers on things when they should be hammered on, and praises them when they should be praised. Get off his dick, moron.
03/23/2007 08:40
Chase says
Argh, I just realized another dude named Michael posted after the first guy named Michael. My comments were directed at the first Michael.

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