Deeko found the video and Evil Avatar has the nice quality pictures to go along with it. We've seen the fiery demon boss at Tokyo Game Show 06 briefly before, but this five minute video has extended footage of everything only glimpsed at in the past. You'll get a longer look at several levels and their enemies, a few frosty bosses, and even the intro to this awesome fire boss. Right before the video ends you see a few attacks hinting at the strategy you'll need to defeat him, and the graphics get better and better the more you piss him off. Here's tenn wallpaper worthy still images of the fight below. I can see this Xbox 360 and PS3 game having a last boss that we won't soon forget.

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There are 6 comments about this post:

04/24/2007 09:43
My god, I loved DMC1 and may have to buy an XBox 360 elite just to play this bad mamma-jamma!
04/24/2007 10:39
Michael says
That video convinced me to preorder. After the bullshit Capcom gave us with DMC3 I thought I had washed my hands of the series, especially with God of War being a gabillion times better then any DMC. After watching this I've got new faith. I just hope Capcom coded it on the PS3 and not the 360 or else it's going to look like ass.
04/24/2007 13:31
Pettitman says
Did we ever see any of the common enemies hit him? Even in combat with 4 baddies, it looked like while Dante attacked one (in a completely unbreakable chain), the others just ignored him. I'm not as enthused as some...
04/24/2007 16:50
Grim says
If this wasn't coming out on 360, I would have to buy a PS3.
04/24/2007 19:21
D-Chap says
I'm buying this game- there is no question about that. The question is- should I buy a PS3 or an X360...
04/27/2007 20:06
Chris says
360.. has more games D-chap.. unless you REALLY wanna play lair, virtua fighter 5 (coming to 360 in summer) motorstorm, resistance. 360 has much more games coming to the system plus tons of games already out for you to play.

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