04.24.2007 PS3 STRIKES BACK . . . AGAIN

At the beginning of the month the PS3 attempted to strike back at the Xbox 360 by stealing BioShock's console exclusivity away from it. Even though the rumor turned out to be false, that's not stopping the PS3 from trying to strike back once again. And this time it's official:

"Kane & Lynch, announced in July as an Xbox 360 and PC title, and Crossfire, announced in September as an Xbox 360 and PC title, are now both officially hitting two next-gen consoles."

SCi's reasons for spreading their games to the PS3 are the same legitimately greedy reasons that brought Devil May Cry 4 to the 360, they know that they'll be able to sell even more copies this way. The good PS3 news doesn't end there though, RPG players will be happy to know that the ESRB ratings page for Eternal Sonata, known as Trusty Bell: Chopin's Dream in Japan, also has it listed as a PS3 title now. The future playing field's a bit more level now, who will strike next? I predict Wii Wookies ambush the PS3 to distract it while the 360 runs off with another title in the next few months.

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There are 3 comments about this post:

04/24/2007 19:09
Samuel says
Well it's not like this is a game which is part of a series that was exclusively on the Xbox. Only Halo 3 could make an impact on Microsoft as big as Sony losing Final Fantasy, Devil May Cry, and GTA. But that would never happen since Bungie is part of Microsoft Game Studios.
04/24/2007 19:17
Michael says
K&L looked pretty cool in the EGM year preview edition, I guess I'll have too take another look now that it's on the real next gen system.
04/24/2007 22:13
Phil says
All the news involving Sony taking games from the 360 doesn't seem as monumental as when Sony loses exclusives. K&L does look good but it's not an established franchise or anything, so personally it isn't impressive that Sony is snatching it up.

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