No, not because Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots is taking forever to be released. 2007 is the 20 year anniversary of the Metal Gear games, and Konami plans on re-releasing these games from its past:

  • Metal Gear Solid (PlayStation, 1500 yen, $12.35)
  • Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty (PlayStation 2, 1800 yen, $14.82)
  • Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater, (PlayStation 2, 2800 yen, $23.05)
  • Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops, (PSP, 2800 yen $23.05)

Konami will also release a Metal Gear Solid Collection bundle package that contains all four of the games above, for the price of 6900 yen ($56.80). Their new release dates will be July 26th, although for now Konami is only offering the re-releases to Japan.

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There are 5 comments about this post:

05/31/2007 11:04
Michael says
This sounds like a good collector's item.  I wouldn't buy it to replay those games, but it would be cool to own.
05/31/2007 11:11
Eric says
so wait its just them on their original format?
whats special about that, you can get them on Ebay.
They should release a ps3 disc with all of them or a down loadable or something.
what about original metal gear on NES.
I have 2 copies of MSGS1 for PS Maybe they'll be worth something on ebay. Or maybe now they are worth less im not sure.
05/31/2007 12:39
Dexter345 says
I've been told I oughta check out Twin Snakes, because I've never actually played any MGS games, and my former (sniffle) roommate loved them.
05/31/2007 12:41
Samuel says
Okay that's just retarded! They already released 2 and 3 with Substance/Subsistence versions and portable ops is still new. The only really useful thing they could do here is re-release MGS: Twin Snakes on a console that doesn't have shitty controls like the Gamecube.
05/31/2007 13:23
TC says

Eric hit it right on the nose....Blu-Ray disc for the PS3 could hold all of these easily and much more exclusive content.

 Who the hell works for these marketing strategists ???  When are gaming companies gonna put gamers in charge ???




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