ScrewAttack has put together another Top 10 list - this time they've picked out what they believe to be the coolest ten characters in video games, allowing for only one character to be chosen from each series.  I agree with some of their picks, but not with their order at all - bump number eight up a few notches. Here they are:

  • 10. Guile
  • 9. Mega Man
  • 8. King of the Cosmos
  • 7. Earthworm Jim
  • 6. Ninja Ryu Hayabusa
  • 5. Snake
  • 4. Lara Croft
  • 3. Dante
  • 2. Cloud
  • 1. Duke Nukem 

I think their number one pick is pretty good though, I can't think of a better best pick. Maybe Kratos will replace Duke Nukem in another few months.

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