Konami characters and movie celebrities go together like guns and governating. Shamoozal has taken the time to track down the most notorious cast coincidences: 

"Konami has a bit of a history when it comes to creating characters based on Hollywood icons. From Contra to some of Hideo Kojima’s greats, familiar faces can be found all over Konami games."

Try connecting the dots to the movie-game character counterparts between the following titles. Games: Contra, Metal Gear Solid, Snatcher, Policenauts, and Bayou Billy. Movies: Terminator, Rambo, Escape From New York, Lethal Weapon, Crocodile Dundee, Blade Runner, and Predator. The easy answers are below, here's the full list of Konami titles if you're bored enough to look for more movie character connections.

Photo Metal Gear Solid = Terminator (also Escape From New York)Photo Bayou Billy = Crocodile DundeePhoto you're the man now dogPhoto Contra = Rambo (also Predator)Photo Snatcher = Blade RunnerPhoto Policenauts = Lethal WeaponPhoto Metal Gear Solid = Escape From New York (also Terminator)
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I haven't played a Pokemon game since the original Red/Blue, and I've been looking forward to getting back into the series with the arrival of the new Diamond/Pearl game. I found this video showing off all of the new 107 pokemon one by one, and it's as boring as a nine minute slideshow sounds, but you'll see a lot of further evolutions of existing pokemon. It looks like Game Freak might be running out of ideas. Yeah, "welcome to five years ago," I know. I liked a good amount of the creatures early in the video, especially the insect ones, but there's way too many that look like actual dinosaurs - a few designs are even blatant ripoffs of Land Beyond Time characters. Just because you stick a bush on Spike's back doesn't mean you're ready to make another game.

Update: Save yourself the time and trouble of watching the video above and scroll through this list of all the new ones. 

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ScrewAttack has put together another Top 10 list - this time they've picked out what they believe to be the coolest ten characters in video games, allowing for only one character to be chosen from each series.  I agree with some of their picks, but not with their order at all - bump number eight up a few notches. Here they are:

  • 10. Guile
  • 9. Mega Man
  • 8. King of the Cosmos
  • 7. Earthworm Jim
  • 6. Ninja Ryu Hayabusa
  • 5. Snake
  • 4. Lara Croft
  • 3. Dante
  • 2. Cloud
  • 1. Duke Nukem 

I think their number one pick is pretty good though, I can't think of a better best pick. Maybe Kratos will replace Duke Nukem in another few months.

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