If you have a PS3 and a memory card with enough room for a PS1 download, then check out the PlayStation Store on your PS3 - they're selling a few PS1 games for your PSP. For $5.99 each, here are the ones you can purchase and download:
  • Cool Boarders (283 megabytes)
  • Crash Bandicoot (469 megabytes)
  • Hot Shots Golf 2 (157 megabytes)
  • Syphon Filter (385 megabytes)
  • Tekken 2 (535 megabytes)
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Don't want to wait for Sony to get the PS1 games all up and working for PS3? Kiss your Blu-rays goodbye and get ready to french kiss your PSP. PS1P is a PlayStation emulator for the PSP, and it will run

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10.26.2006 Sony's PS1 list of games for PS3 download

The games will initially be playable only on the PSP, but Sony has announced the first wave of PS1 games that will be available for download on their PS3. Sony also plans on adding 10 titles per month to the service, but pricing hasn't been announced yet. The PlayStation Store will also feature downloadable PS3 and PSP content, although specifics for that hasn't been announced yet either. However, Sony did announce that once you're logged in on the PlayStation Network section, that you'll be able to send text messages with attachments to the people in your friend list. You'll also be able to engage in voice and audio chat by accessing the Cross Media Bar's AV Chat option. But onto the important news, here's the official list of PS1 games for download on PS3 so far, but be warned that you might yawn a few times:

  • Resident Evil Director's Cut (Capcom)
  • Konami Antiques MSX Collection Vol.1 (Konami)
  • Konami Antiques MSX Collection Vol.2 (Konami)
  • Bishi Bashi Special (Konami)
  • Arc the Lad (SCEJ)
  • Jumping Flash (SCEJ)
  • Minna no Golf 2 (aka Hot Shots Golf 2, SCEJ)
  • Silent Bomber (Bandai Namco)
  • Tekken 2 (Bandai Namco)
  • Mister Driller (Bandai Namco)
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Elsewhere on the Network:

10.20.2006 PS3 store will contain every PS1 game

Whether it's a blatant rip off of the Wii or not, it's still damn cool. Sony plans to have their upcoming PS3's online store eventually release every single PS1 game, which is of course a lot. I love how backwards compatibility is giving gaming newcomers a chance to catch up on some classics without hunting eBay auctions or flea markets. Last Night Phil Harrison explained how the PS1 and PS2 games would work on the PS3. He mentioned that the PlayStation 3 will work with some of the old games for PS1 and PS2, and that some will even be available for download at launch, but that at first some games will only work through the PSP. Then, as their emulation software is completed, you'll be able to play them on PS3.

Sony sounded very optimistic, saying that they fully intend on releasing every PS1 game on the PS3 store, and that the only thing stopping them from achieving their long term goal is the occasional legal issue, where music in a certain game may have only been licensed for a short period of time. The PS3 will still play any previous PlayStation game disc you put in it though, so this is definitely a win-win situation that's very refreshing to hear from Sony.

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