The new entries on the Super Smash Bros. Brawl site are updates to the rapid-fire items in the upcoming game. Instead of just sitting in one spot and unloading your ammo, you can now aim your weapon to shoot at different angles by titling the control stick up or down. You can even get up and run around while shooting to make combat even more intense.
They also revealed a new weapon with inevitably racist repercussions. What you see in Mario's hand is the Cracker Launcher, which is the "what were they thinking?" name for their firecracker launcher. This pretty much ensures that one in every four players will scream nothing but "Cracka!" each time they use this weapon during gameplay. Which I can tell you're thrilled about. I've got a friend hated acquaintance who used to spend entire games running around with Link yelling "Boom! Headshot!" as he threw bombs and shot arrows at us. He's already banned from playing Brawl with me. Check out the pictures below for more looks at the Cracker Cannon and images of Wario being a fatass.