2 weeks ago I put together what I thought was the best 25 gaming tattoos on the net from what I could find. I tried to judge based on how large and colorful some were, how painful they might be, and even the WTF factor they might induce from viewers in public. I asked you guys and girls to send in your own tattoos and I got a few emails every day so I held off on posting this until the submissions died down.
I still think my original list is a solid representation of the best gamer tattoos, but a few that you all submitted definitely deserve to be on it - one of the recent submissions (Maduin's leg) is even damn near the best I've ever seen. So keep sending in your tattoos and sometime in 2007 I'll update it and make a best of the best gallery.
And I love game art too - so if you make any awesome paintings or videos involving video games make sure to show me. Also, are any of you in gaming music bands? That shit kicks ass too, so lemme know! Here are the 25 new pics in no particular order, with their owner's name included when you click on them:
Update: I swear I know how to count to 25, but there's now more since people keep sending in their tattoos. Mail me yours over the weekend and I'll add them too.